Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

me.semile. =D

Never be sad for what is over,
just be glad that it was once yours.

The hardest part of loving someone
is knowing when to let go,
and knowing when to say goodbye.
Never say 'I like you' if you don't care.
Never talk about feelings if they're not there.
Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.
Romantic love is an illusion.
Most of us discover this truth at the end of a love affair
or else when the sweet emotions of love
lead us into marriage and then turn down their flames.

Love is hard work;
and hard work sometimes hurts!.
We always believe our first love is our last,
and our last love our first.
Harsh words break no bones but they do break hearts.

When you break up,
your whole identity is shattered.
It's like death.

No matter who broke your heart,
or how long it takes to heal,
you'll never get through it without your friends.

Trying to forget someone you love is like
trying to remember someone you never knew.
Relationships are like glass.
Sometimes it's better to leave them broken
than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.

Better never to have met you in my dream than
to wake and reach for hands that are not there.
Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak;
sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go.
God is closest to those with broken hearts.

i'll let you go ^^

I cried when I knew I lost you,
afraid I had lost it all.
Then I realized that losing you,
didn't have to mean I lost me.

One day you will seek love
and be sorry that you threw mine away.
My heart only fought for what it wanted.
Now my heart is having to fight to let him go.
Now that I have loved so purely and deeply,
I have realized how lonely I really am.
Some people think that it's holding
on that makes one strong;
sometimes it's letting go.

Some Day You'll Love Me But I Won't Love You::

Time will make you forget me but time will make me love you more than before.

If I never met you, I wouldn't like you. If I didn't like you I wouldn't love you.
If I didn't love you I wouldn't miss you, but I did, I do and I will.

My heart longs for you, my soul dies for you,
my eyes cry for you, my empty arms reach out for you.

Forget who hurt you yesterday,
But don't forget who loves you tenderly today.

Love can make you happy but often times it hurts,
but love is only special when you give it to who its worth.

Boyfriends come and go, but friends are forever.
The hardest part of loving someone is knowing when to let go,
and knowing when to say goodbye.

No pleassure, no expressions just an illusion of what should of but wasnt.
I hate you for not letting me have you.


dan dia ialah perempuan
yang tak punya apa apa
adakah benar dia terjatuh
atau semua hanya mimpi
yang dia tau
dia berani untuk pergi
jika tidak diperlukan lagi